Spotlight on nominee The Brigid Alliance

Nominee The Brigid Alliance

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee The Brigid Alliance, nominated by donor zardoz. They arrange and fund confidential, personalized travel for those seeking abortion care in increasingly hostile environments. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post (see social sharing icons at top of post) and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee The Brigid Alliance

The Brigid Alliance believes that the costs and logistics of traveling to an abortion provider should not inhibit choice. Yet an alarming gap is growing between those who need care and their ability to access it.

State-level restrictive abortion laws and regulations, combined with the rise of misinformation campaigns, the overall decline of local providers, and the unique consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, are increasingly preventing timely abortion care or eliminating it as an option altogether.

The Brigid Alliance arranges and funds long-distance travel support for those seeking later abortion care (after the first trimester) throughout the USA.

We work closely with the community of abortion funds, specialized clinics, and partner organizations across the country to ensure that abortion services are accessible when barriers arise.

Launched in 2018, The Brigid Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported by individual donations and grants.

The Brigid Alliance endeavors to comply with the law of the states in which it operates.

So please visit the page of nominee The Brigid Alliance to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And check out this video of their executive director, Odile Schalit, speaking at an abortion justice rally last October:

Spotlight on nominee NARAL Pro-Choice America

Nominee NARAL Pro-Choice America

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee NARAL Pro-Choice America, nominated by donor Stephanie. They fight for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post (see social sharing icons at top of post) and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee NARAL Pro-Choice America

Who we are

The 2.5 million members of NARAL Pro-Choice America fight for reproductive freedom for every body. Each day, we organize and mobilize to protect that freedom by fighting for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination.

Like 77% of Americans, we believe in the legal right to abortion. We are the foot soldiers who work to ensure that abortion access is not only protected but expanded. Since 1969, our member-driven campaigns have propelled political and cultural change at every level, from the statehouse to the White House.

When it comes time to rally by the thousands on the steps of the Supreme Court in support of abortion access, our members are there.

When it comes time to push back against the disinformation and fear peddled by anti-choice extremists who want to take away our freedom, our members are there.

And when it comes time to hold political leaders accountable at the ballot box, our members are there.

Working together, we push our friends to be bolder, lift up the champions fighting for true reproductive freedom, and shine a spotlight of accountability on the bad actors trying to impose their unpopular and out-of-touch agenda on us all.

What we do

  • Organize our 2.5 million members, and the allies around us, to make sure leaders at every level hear from their constituents—the 7 in 10 Americans who support our right to reproductive freedom.
  • Educate citizens, lawmakers, and other influencers about the dangerous effects of anti-choice policies and the threat of anti-choice disinformation.
  • Work at the state level to promote progressive, proactive policies to advance reproductive freedom and fight back against harmful restrictions that threaten our access to reproductive healthcare and the ability to make our own decisions about pregnancy.
  • Fight to elect champions who don’t just agree with the 77% of Americans who support the legal right to abortion, but truly fight for reproductive freedom. And when anti-choice candidates threaten to take away our rights, we work to hold them accountable by defeating them at the ballot box.

So please visit the page of nominee NARAL Pro-Choice America to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And check out this important message about reproductive freedom:

Spotlight on nominee International Rescue Committee

Nominee International Rescue Committee

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee International Rescue Committee, nominated by donor TdotWING. They help people affected by humanitarian crises to survive, recover and rebuild their lives. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post (see social sharing icons at top of post) and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee International Rescue Committee

"I support the IRC because I believe everyone should have an opportunity to seek a better future for themselves. My family had that opportunity and I’m so very grateful for it." -- Rami Malek, Actor and IRC Ambassador

Help Ukrainian Families

Over 2.8 million refugees have been forced to flee Ukraine. Help the IRC send vital supplies to displaced children and families.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine will have devastating consequences for the civilian population and humanitarian needs are expected to rise. Civilians in Ukraine are being targeted and fleeing their homes in what the United Nations calls the fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. The IRC and our partners in Ukraine and Poland are scaling up our response as the conflict escalates and even more people are uprooted.

  • On March 9, Russia bombed a children’s hospital and maternity ward in besieged Mariupol, Ukraine.
  • The IRC condemns this attack in the strongest possible terms, alongside the targeting of evacuation corridors, the breaches of ceasefires and the sieges of urban areas.
  • All violations of international humanitarian law must be investigated and perpetrators held to account.
  • The IRC and our partners in Ukraine are supporting evacuation efforts for women and children and assisting displaced people. We are also providing support to refugees in Poland.

So please visit the page of nominee International Rescue Committee to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And while the war in Ukraine is all most of us can absorb at the moment, remember that IRC is busily helping all over the world. Check out this important recent video message to the world from an Afghan aid worker: