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Benj and Jessica launched a nonprofit. Follow our journey as we built a 501(c)(3) and a web site, and now usher in an endless stream of worthy charity nominees and monthly grant winners!

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Spotlight on nominee National Network of Abortion Funds

Nominee National Network of Abortion Funds

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee National Network of Abortion Funds, nominated by donor Bethany. They build power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post (see social sharing icons at top of post) and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee National Network of Abortion Funds


The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.


We envision a world where every reproductive decision, including abortion, takes place in thriving communities that are safe, peaceful, and affordable. We envision a world where all people have the power and resources to care for and affirm their bodies, identities, and health for themselves and their families—in all areas of their lives. As we shift the conversation about abortion, it will become a real option, accessible without shame or judgment.



NNAF recognizes the connections between systems of oppression. A comprehensive vision of justice for our communities must involve working towards economic, racial, gender, and reproductive justice.


Every person has the non-negotiable human right to determine whether, when, and how to create family. People deserve unrestricted access to the rights, information, and resources to care for themselves and their families.

Collective Power

NNAF is determined to build a base of shared power from the ground while standing alongside other movements in solidarity. People who are most directly and disproportionately impacted by structural barriers are the best architects of solutions that center their voices, experiences, and leadership.


NNAF advocates for a reduction of shame and an increase in compassion for people as they navigate life. Reproductive coercion, burdens, and barriers to reproductive healthcare are all forms of violence.

So please visit the page of nominee National Network of Abortion Funds to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And please watch this beautiful video from 2020 illustrating how abortion funds are crucial to providing access to reproductive healthcare. After recent Supreme Court action to overturn Roe v Wade, the role they play is more important than ever.

July 2022 winner Sandy Hook Promise

Charitocracy's 71st check to July winner Sandy Hook Promise for $1000

We have good news about July winner Sandy Hook Promise, right after this quick update...

Build Bridges, Not Walls

In 122 AD the Roman Empire built a nice long wall along their northern border in Britannia, Hadrian's Wall. And just look where it got them! Anyway, I'm up here hiking the length of it this week, coast to coast across Northern England, but I'm still on Charitocracy duty in the evenings. Someone has to give all your money away, right?!

July 2022 winner Sandy Hook Promise

Last night we named Charitocracy's 71st monthly winner. Congratulations to Sandy Hook Promise nominated by donor Stephanie. They protect America’s children from gun violence in honor of the precious lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School. You can find their website here.

Now you have a week to further sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to SHP next week.

So finally check out this recent video from Sandy Hook Promise about how they've helped students and schools over the past decade. Then feel good about your part in our collective $1000+ grant to support Sandy Hook Promise's ongoing work.

Have a great August, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!

June 2022 winner WomenHeart

Charitocracy's 70th check to June winner WomenHeart for $1001

We have good news about June winner WomenHeart, right after this quick update...

Over $100,000 Served

This month we cross a big milestone! When we write June's grant check to WomenHeart next week, we'll have granted $100,704+ dollars since opening our site in September 2016. And this is your doing. Jessica and I have contributed a good bit toward Charitocracy's overhead, but we've only thrown an average amount into the monthly pots. 99% of it comes from your generosity month after month, year in and year out. So kudos to you. We've come a long way, baby!

June 2022 winner WomenHeart

Last night we named Charitocracy's 70th monthly winner. Congratulations to WomenHeart, The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, nominated by donor StephL. They are the first and only national patient-centered organization dedicated to serving women with heart disease. Their community is here for you. You can find their website here. And let me just call out the years of cheerleading and patience on the part of StephL, who nominated WomenHeart back in December 2016! 67 months later, here we are. So proud. ❤️

Now you have a week to further sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to WomenHeart next week.

So finally check out Charity's misdiagnosis story, in which doctors overlook her risk of heart disease during pregnancy. (Spoiler alert, they diagnose her heart failure just in time!) Then feel good about your part in our collective $1001+ grant to support WomenHeart's ongoing work.

Have a great July, happy 4th, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!