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National Military Family Association logo
National Military Family Association


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  • #1342

    Sue Wilkerson
    39 people like it.
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    This is the official discussion thread for the cause National Military Family Association. Its EIN is 52-0899384 and it's a public charity based in Alexandria, VA. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.

    National Military Family Association logo
    Active military & veteran charity that's the voice of military families, offering support for service members, spouses, and kids.

    Our Legacy, our Vision, our Mission, and WHY

    What We Do

    NMFA is the voice of military families because, for 46 years, we have proven that we stand behind service members, their spouses, and their children. Our Association is the “go to” source for Administration Officials, Members of Congress, and key decision makers when they want to understand the issues facing our families. They know we have “boots on the ground” with military families and understand better than anyone that “military families serve, too.” Through the support and programs we provide, and our respected voice on Capitol Hill, at the Pentagon and Veterans Administration, our Association always looks out for the families who stand behind the uniform and for those who serve. Learn More>>

    Our Story

    In 1969, our Association was founded by a handful of military wives who wanted to make sure their widowed friends were properly taken care of. Two short years later, the Survivor Benefit Plan became law, and the Association has been hard at work ever since. A small, but determined, group of spouses around a kitchen table has expanded i

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