Help your Favorite Win

This is #4 in a series of short Charitocracy Boot Camp Training Videos!
  1. Share any and all Charitocracy posts that speak to you. Do it across all social media you use. Adding your own personal "take" alongside the share helps! Notice that all cause pages and blog posts have Facebook and Twitter share buttons to make this easy.
  2. Focus in on the cause you want to win and mobilize your social network to vote for them on Charitocracy!
  3. Use the Invite feature on Charitocracy to create Facebook or Twitter posts to invite your friends to join Charitocracy, and/or send personalized invitation emails.
  4. Regularly update your social network on progress as your favorite breaks into the Top 10 and then the Top 3. Always include the sign-up link and ask your people to reshare on their feeds, too.
  5. Let us know if you have other great ideas for hyping your favorite nonprofit and securing a win on Charitocracy!