How To Vote

This is #2 in a series of short Charitocracy Boot Camp Training Videos!
  • To vote for causes, visit our discussion forum. Each nominated cause has its own discussion thread with buttons for liking and voting.
  • You may change your vote as often as you like, or cancel it (unvote).
  • Votes are counted for the Top 10 at 11:59pm EST on the 14th of the month, and for the Top 3 on the 21st. Causes that don't make the cut are no longer eligible to receive votes until the first day of the next month.
  • Votes to determine the monthly winner are counted at 11:59pm EST on the last day of the month. After that votes count toward the following month.
  • Liking a cause does not cast a vote, so like as many causes as you want. Donors can sort causes by popularity. You can always unlike a cause, too.
  • Up to 5 causes may share your one full vote, e.g. each receiving 20%.
  • When you cancel a vote from the list, its percentage is distributed to your other voted causes, if any.
  • You may adjust the percentages for each cause as long as they add up to 100%.
  • You may nominate a new cause at most once per month. First cancel any votes already cast. The new cause gets your full 100% vote its first month, unless it doesn't make the Top 10 or Top 3, at which point you may revote for a different cause.
  • Voting for a cause allocates it a percentage share based on how many total causes are already on your vote list. The 1st cause gets your full 100% vote. The 2nd gets 50%. A percentage must always be a whole number, so the 3rd cause gets 33%, etc.
  • Causes on your list before you add a new vote "make room" while keeping their relative percentages. If you already have a cause with 75% of your vote and another with 25%, the new cause gets 33% and the other two get the remaining 67% assigned as 50% and 17%, respectively. (Note that 33% + 50% + 17% = 100%.) You may adjust the percentage allocation at any time.
  • Choose meaningful and effective causes! Charity Navigator or GuideStar may help, as will our discussion forum, where you can read up and ask questions to help discern the best causes.
  • Your vote remains in force month to month until you change it or until a cause becomes ineligible by winning or by its tax-exempt status being revoked.