August 2023 winner Boston Raising Powerful Musicians

Charitocracy's 84th check to August winner Boston Raising Powerful Musicians for $1700

We have good news about August winner Boston Raising Powerful Musicians, right after this important update...

Charitocracy's Final Grant Selections on Halloween Night!

As you hopefully know by now, Charitocracy is ending this year. But we thought that, rather than concluding on New Year's Eve with our final winner, why not pick all 3 of our final winners in October? That'll give us a chance to tie up loose ends and shut things down gracefully before the end of our fiscal year.

September will proceed as normal. But then in October, all 3 of the Top 3 causes as of midnight October 21 will be awarded grants. Which is ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as of midnight October 31 will determine how large a grant they receive. The grant sizes will depend on how much money is left in our coffers at the end of October, but suffice it so say, they'll be bigger than usual! So plan on continuing to vote and revote right up until Halloween!

August 2023 winner Boston Raising Powerful Musicians

Yesterday we named Charitocracy's 84th monthly winner. Congratulations to Boston Raising Powerful Musicians, known until recently as Girls Rock Campaign Boston, nominated by donor Mjackson132. And it was nominated seven years ago, back in September 2016, our first month online! They teach abstract skills like confidence and persistence through hands-on music education and performance. You can find their website here.

Now watch this 4 minute video about teens writing and recording an original song in 4 hours, then feel good about your part in our collective $1700 grant to support their ongoing work!

Have a great September, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!